Live Free • Play Banjo
Conceived in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, Balsam Banjoworks was borne of the vision to provide you with the finest banjo hardware available anywhere, made right here in the USA, the birthplace of modern roots music. We have spent countless hours developing relationships with a select number of small American metal fabricators, developing the proper forging and tooling methods to create premium-quality, affordable banjo hardware domestically. Why? In order to contribute to the resurgence of domestic manufacturing; to support the livelihood of American workers and artisans; to prove that this can be done at a competitive price-point. And because we believe there is something truly satisfying to everyone — from the musician, to the first-time builder, to the large-scale manufacturer, in knowing that your banjo is truly designed and crafted in the USA.
Balsam Banjoworks: Continuing the heritage, reviving the tradition.