A must have for any banjo player or builder! Made in the USA, these drum dials are essential to accurately and consistently tune your banjo head! This analog version is well made, simple to use, and will make a great addition to your banjo care and maintenance toolkit. If your banjo sounds dull and can use a tune-up, the Drum Dial is the right tool for the job! It will also ensure that you don’t over tighten your banjo head.
PBCO recommends a head tension range between 85 – 93 lbs.
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For banjo, we recommend the same setting for both sizes of banjo (11″ and 12″) and suggest a lower tension to start with, for your new goat skin head of about 85 and slowly work up from there. Depending on how thick the skin is, the head can be tightened up to 88-90. For thinner heads, settings past 85 will tear the head. For a tubby sound, tune lower and tune much higher for a brighter sound. We always suggest starting at a lower tension of 85 and slowly work up from there to your desired sound to avoid goat head damage. It is OK to leave the bridge in place when tuning the head. The settings in the tuning chart are for standard drums (toms etc.) and banjo heads are tensioned higher in the 84-90 range.
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